All-Pro Taste the Dust Tour Official Standings

The All-Pro Top 10 Wagons

1. Phil Arcand

2. Herb Arcand

3. Keith Wood

4. Curtis Hogg

5. Curtis Wood

6. Cole Adamson

7. Lee Adamson

8. Lanny Wood

9. Marvin Hubl

10. Will Evans


For the full list of standings, click here: 2024 Wagon Points

*Updated on July 7, 2024*


The All-Pro Top 10 Carts:

1. Dallas Peoples

2. Wyatt Hosler

3. Malcolm Apsassin

4. John Wildcat

5. Wacey Hogg

6. Sara Salmond

7. Laura Talbot

8. Kaden Stott

9. David Ogden

10. Porter Lang


For the full list of standings, click here: 2024 Cart Points

*Updated on July 7, 2024*


The All pro Canadian chuckwagon and chariot association's main goal is to promote and offer to as many people as possible, the opportunity to see one of Alberta's truly original western sports!